Make money as a team

Split tips with your

Someone tipped $50.00.

To the bestest mods <3 :D

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You Earn:


Setup a page, invite your team, and start receiving tips in minutes.

Automatic splits, individual payouts, chargeback protection, and no fees.

Creator picture
Creator picture
Creator picture
Creator picture
Creator picture

Join over 8,000+ creators getting paid!

Featured creators

Check out some of the creators already earning with Pally!

How does it work?

You create and customize your page in minutes.

Invite up to 50 team members and define splits.

Your supporters tip your team directly on your page.

We automatically split tips and do weekly payouts.

Plus, benefits like...

Chargeback Protection

We monitor fraud and handle chargebacks. You're risk-free.

Control & Customization

Tools to customize your page and control the experience.

Data & Reports

From taxes to growth, we want you to have the data you need.


A growing list of integrations for audience engagement.

Best of all? 0% platform fees!

We're here to support creators and their teams, not investors.

All third-party processing fees are transparent and our platform is supported through completely optional tips.

Tools to engage your audience

A growing set of tools and integrations to help you engage your audience.

Show tip alerts on stream

Give your tippers recognition in real-time with customizable settings for:

  • Image
  • Sound and volume
  • Text and color
  • Title and message format
Money animal gif

Someone tipped $25.00!

Let's get your mods PAID!!!

Customizable goal overlay

Add a live-updating goal overlay to your stream to track progress.

$175 / $200

Twitch chat bot

Connect your Twitch chat to your tip page to show alerts in chat.

pallygg: Someone tipped $25.00!

Real-time activity feed

A feed of tips for you and your team to see who's supporting you.

Someone tipped $25.00

Let's get your mods PAID!!!

just now

Developer-friendly tools

Tips and goal updates are available to your and your team via our WebSockets API with upcoming support for Webhooks and a full API.

Read our developer docs →

Where creators and teams get paid.

©2025 Ventures LLC
